What Is the Definition
of Technical Skills?

Technical skills (or hard skills) refer to the specialized knowledge, skills or abilities required for efficient performance of specific tasks. They include knowledge and know-how related to a trade.

What Are Examples of Technical Skills?

Examples of technical skills include:

  • Writing in English and in French
  • Driving an articulated truck
  • Operating a crane
  • Mastering the Excel software
  • Administering an injection to a patient
  • Operating a cash-register
  • Mastering certain sales techniques
  • Identifying different types of wine
  • Knowing a wide variety of cocktails
  • Knowing various programming languages

How to Define Technical Skills for a Role?

In order to define the technical skills needed for a position, managers should:

  1. Make a list of the responsibilities in the role
  2. Make a list of the tools to be mastered
  3. Determine the future requirements of the post
  4. Identify the technical skills related to each of the responsibilities and tools

Managers can also question employees in similar positions within the company or elsewhere to better identify the key skills required.

Why Define the Required Technical Skills in an Organization?

Defining the technical skills needed in a company makes it possible to better measure employee performance using evaluation standards, to define the strategic skills to be developed, and to retain talent.

The degree to which employees have mastered their technical skills also makes it easier to predict their professional development and plan future workforce needs accordingly.

How to keep employees’ technical skills up to date?

To update the technical skills of the employees, managers can:

What Is the Difference Between Technical and Behavioral Skills?

Technical skills (hard skills) are often developed through training or with experience.

Behavioral skills (soft skills) are more generally related to the personality of employees. They vary greatly from one person to the next and can also be developed.

What Are the Technical Skills Most in Demand?

Examples of technical skills most in demand in the work market include:

  • Video production
  • Data analysis
  • Online marketing
  • Social media management
  • Software development
  • UX/UI design
  • SEO writing

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