People Management
12 min.

How to Get More from Your Team with Collaborative Leadership and Management

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager

Explore Our HR Blog on
Human Resources Management.

Culture Employee Scheduling Leadership Marketing News Nouveautés Staff Management Time and Attendance Well-Being at Work
2 min.

Agendrix Joins The Citation Group

Mathieu Allaire
Mathieu Allaire
CEO and Cofounder
fille qui vise une cible avec un arc à flèches
People Management
15 min.

14 HR skills to develop in 2024

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
Business Operations
14 min.

Schedule Maker: How to Easily Create Employee Work Schedules Online

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
tablette ipad flottant sur fond d'articles du commerce de détail
People Management
7 min.

Your Checklist of Retail Employee Tasks, by Position

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
People Management
23 min.

Are You a Bad Boss: 9 Typical Profiles and What to Do About It

Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
HR Content Specialist
Travaille d'équipe d'employés en restauration afin de dresser un hamburger géant
People Management
12 min.

Actionable Tips for a Better Restaurant Culture

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
main qui tient une poêle et qui fait sauter des légumes
People Management
8 min.

The Restaurant Manager’s Handbook: Checklist of Employee Tasks by Position

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
logo leader de l'expérience employé workleap officevibe
5 min.

Agendrix now one of the employee experience leaders according to Officevibe by Workleap

Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
HR Content Specialist
5 min.

E-Signature Completes our HR Module

Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
HR Content Specialist
personnes âgées se promènent sur
People Management
8 min.

How to Make the Best Work Schedule for a Nursing Home

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
une main qui tient des baguettes avec un sushi qui montre un signe de dollar.
Business Operations
14 min.

Cutting Costs, Not Corners: The Restaurant Owner’s Financial Handbook

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
une femme qui cueille des bonhommes sourire dans un arbre avec une échelle
People Management
11 min.

Shift Preferences | What Shift Do Employees Prefer & Why

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
une femme qui donne un quart de travail à un homme qui porte un uniforme
Business Operations
7 min.

Shift Planning | Benefits & Best Practices

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
People Management
6 min.

Did You Say Horizontal Communication and Business Benefits?

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
deux personnes qui regardent des cadres présentant des logos de franchises : mcdonald, uniprix
Business Operations
8 min.

8 Tips You Can Learn from Franchise Practices

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
personne présente sa carte d'identité à un hodorateur
People Management
7 min.

Employee Time Tracking: Discover the Best Apps

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
5 min.

Build Schedules Faster With Automatic Shift Assignment

Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
HR Content Specialist
Staging a schedule automation system using Agendrix software on a conveyor.
Business Operations
7 min.

Choosing Automatic Scheduling Software

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Man in circus costume juggling with clocks
People Management
6 min.

6 Ways to Improve Time Management in Your Team

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
Question mark in front of a coffee and croissant set in a tray, with a café cash register and coffee machine in background
People Management
12 min.

15 Helpful Restaurant Interview Questions

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
On the left, a man is holding a smartphone: his back is bent and his eyes are riveted to the device. On the right, a man is standing upright and manipulating an interface with his fingers.
People Management
6 min.

9 Tips to Help Your Employees Stop Procrastinating at Work

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
Hands holding an open menu with inside a burger, a checkmark, a clock and ice cream
Business Operations
6 min.

Restaurant Management Guide: How To Succeed In The Restaurant Industry

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
An illustration of a giant calculator with a manager on top.
People Management
10 min.

Managing Overtime: Ensure Employee Well-Being While Saving Money

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Glowing smartphone screen, from which several pieces of paper float
Business Operations
7 min.

8 Examples of Job Posts to Share on Social Media When Hiring

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
Man sitting on cloud with laptop on laps, surrounded by floating elements: smiley, clouds, graphs, etc.
Business Operations
7 min.

10 Key Factors for Effective Employee Schedule Management for SMBs

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Hands holding a tablet displaying several pink icons illustrating different HR automation processes
Business Operations
14 min.

What Is HR Automation and How to Make the Most of It in 2024

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Hand with a glove holding a jar filled with coins, behind which is a pharmacy background.
Business Operations
4 min.

Paid internships, an asset for your company

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
Man standing close to a giant schedule, headphones, pieces of paper and a smiley
Business Operations
10 min.

How to Create & Optimize Call Center Schedules

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Hands holding a cell phone on which 2 faces are displayed, one with a red background and the other with a green background over which a finger slides.
People Management
6 min.

How to Handle Last Minute Sick Calls From Employees

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
3 min.

Fine-Tune User Access Rights With Custom Roles

Michaël Thibault
Michaël Thibault
Lead Writer
Woman standing in front of a floating console with headphones and other graphs
People Management
12 min.

How to Efficiently Manage Call Center Operations

Sarah Busque
Sarah Busque
Marketing Content Manager
Three people decorate a cupcake icing with a smiley face, star, heart and other elements.
People Management
5 min.

How to Foster a Positive Attitude in Your Team

Véronique Forest
Véronique Forest
Guest Author
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