Release notes.


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18 July 2024 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

HR management


Moving automatic break rules from the Essential Plan to the Plus Plan: Automatic break rules are now part of the Plus Plan.

This change applies to new organizations only; organizations subscribed to the Essential Plan from this functionality will retain access to it.


New automatic reminder option for signature requests: An option now allows to automatically send weekly signature notifications to users concerned by a signature request.

News feed

News feed redesign: The design of the news feed has been updated.

New AI-assisted writing feature: A new AI-powered feature can now be used to automatically writes threads based on their title.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • General: Improved error display when creating an organization.
  • General: Fixed a bug affecting appearance of icons in main navigation.
  • General: Fixed a bug causing simultaneous errors to be displayed when creating a new organization.
  • General: Fixed a bug causing the application to crash when a non-administrator user attempted to access the billing page.
  • General: Fixed a bug preventing notifications in main navigation from being updated when changing organization.
  • General: Fixed a bug that prevented icons in main navigation from being updated when changing organization.
  • Dashboard: Fixed a bug that prevented the dashboard from updating after certain actions.
  • Scheduler: Fixed a bug preventing certain default HR fields from being used to filter the planner.
  • Security: Cleanup of object names (resources, employees, etc.) to prevent potential phishing situations.
  • Security: Stripe, the service used for payment processing, is no longer initialized in the background for non-administrator users.
5 July 2024 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

HR management
Time and attendance


New Plus plan presentation page: A new page now showcases the Plus plan and its many benefits.

Plans and modules presentation and sharing: The various presentation pages for the Agendrix plans and modules are now displayed for all users. A new button also lets users share a link to the Plus plan presentation page with an administrator.

Time and attendance

New option to reset time banks when archiving an employee: A new option now allows the time banks of employees to be reset to zero upon being archived.

Unpaid badge removed from leave requests: The “Unpaid” badge has been removed from leave requests to avoid confusion.


Added character limit to Agendrix documents: Documents in Agendrix format now have a reasonable limit of 500 000 characters.

Bug fixes

  • Settings: Fixed a bug affecting the scrolling for active section in the organization settings.
  • Public schedules: Fixed a bug related to accessing invalid public schedules.
  • Mass updates: Fixed a bug that would delete employee transfer requests when mass updating their locations.
  • Timesheets: Fixed a bug causing a problem with employee iterations in timesheets when a filter was active.
  • Timesheets: Fixed a bug causing hidden administrators to be unwillingly displayed in timesheets.
  • Photos: Fixed a bug causing metadata not to be removed from photos uploaded to Agendrix when downloaded by other users.
19 June 2024 – Major update

Automated leaves and payroll deadlines

HR management
Time and attendance

New feature: Automated leaves

Administrators can now create automated leaves to manage public holidays for example, from the time off settings of their organization. These leaves are also automatically added to the schedule when new employees are created or when archived employees are reactivated.

An annual reminder inviting administrators to create their automated leaves for the coming year can also be programmed.

New feature: Payroll deadline date

A deadline date can now be specified for each pay period to help managers ensure that the time approval process is completed in time for payroll processing. As this date approaches, notifications will be sent to those concerned to remind them to check time entries requiring their attention.


Freeze open shift row option: The open shift row can now be frozen in the week and day view of the schedule planner.

Time and attendance

New automatic timesheet approval setting: A new setting now allows supervisors or managers with custom roles to be granted permission to approve their own timesheets. By default, this setting is enabled for managers, but not for supervisors.

New custom role dedicated to fixed terminal management (Kiosk app): A new parameter now allows the permission to manage fixed terminals to be granted to supervisors and managers with a custom role. By default, this setting is enabled for managers, but not for supervisors.

New successful clock-in animation (Kiosk app): A new animation is now displayed upon successfully clocking in.

HR management

Interface improvements to the Documents module: Several improvements have been made to the document and template editor:

  • Better screen size adjustment capability
  • Automatic saves
  • New design
  • One-click title modification
  • Permission display in the navigation bar

Creating documents from the Documents page: Documents can now be created or imported and assigned to the selected employees directly in the module.


Improved registration and app discovery on mobile: The registration and app discovery interfaces will now fit better on mobile screens.

New steps added to the app discovery process: New steps linked to the Time and attendance module and new bonuses have been added to the app discovery process.

Deleting files linked to a text editor: Files linked to a text editor can now no longer be deleted when the editor is in read-only mode.

Improved dashboard and My schedule cards: The design of the dynamic cards in the dashboard and My Schedule pages has been updated.

Bug fixes

Dashboard: Fixed a bug that prevented filters from being updated when a user was no longer part of a location.

Signatures: Fixed a bug that prevented notifications from being sent for completed signatures.

Messenger: Confirmation messages have been added to several conversation-related actions.

5 June 2024 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

HR management


Default sign-up settings: The organization’s default settings will now be adjusted based on the industry selected during the sign-up process to better meet the operational needs of the industry concerned.

Referral program availability: Agendrix’s referral program is now immediately available to organizations registered via a referral.

In addition, the referral program is now available to client organizations within two weeks, compared to four months previously.

Finally, the referral program is now available to organizations based in the following regions (in addition to Canada): Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, India, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA.

Bug fixes

  • HR documents: Fixed a bug related to the modification of the name of files containing the “/” character upon PDF conversion resulting from a signature request.
  • HR documents: Fixed a bug related to the display of confirmations.
  • Update requests: Fixed a bug causing unnecessary validation of fields not included in update requests.
  • Messenger: Fixed a bug related to the permanent display of the “Unread” conversation badge when reactivating an archived user.
22 May 2024 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

Time and attendance


Assigning locations to administrators: It is now possible to assign specific locations to administrators. As a result, all locations within an organization will no longer be automatically assigned to administrators (although it will still be possible to do so if required).

This change only affects the locations in which administrators will be displayed and the notifications they receive. Regardless of which locations are assigned to them, administrators will still have access to all data and to all locations in their organization.

Time and attendance

Detection of forgotten clock-in when clocking out: It is now possible for an employee to suggest a start time when they forget to clock in when taking a break or leaving work. Any start time suggested in this way will be displayed in the time entry management interface for approval by their manager.

Maintenance page for time and attendance applications: A new page now indicates that clocking in/out is temporarily unavailable during maintenance periods for Android and iOS applications and fixed terminals.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing a problem with displaying chosen first name in shift exchange requests.
  • Fixed a bug allowing certain confirmation fields to be bypassed by pressing the Return (Enter) key.
  • Fixed a bug making emojis inaccessible when opening Messenger.
  • Fixed a bug causing a problem with scheduler filters when archiving HR fields.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a display problem in the country selection menu when changing the interface display language.
  • Fixed a bug that could make the pagination of clocking photos unavailable.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause problems with the display of the clocking photo interface.
  • Fixed a bug that caused repeated strings between the HR folders and the folder structure sections.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the View all option to be displayed over two lines in the shift swap window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a confirmation message to be displayed when closing the shift swap window even if the changes had been previously saved by the user.
  • Fixed a bug limiting the display of all locations in the High fives module selection menu.
  • Fixed a bug causing a problem with the display of blank states in the Requests module.
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