Release notes.


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29 January 2025 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

Time and attendance


Interlocation shift swaps: Employees assigned to more than one location can now submit shift swap requests between these locations.

Split Agendrix open shifts from agency shifts: External agency shifts now have their own row to separate them from open shifts.

Time and attendance

Overtime in timesheets: Employee overtime is now displayed in the Pay period summary section for timesheets.


Subscription emails: New informational emails will now be sent to all the administrators of a given organization when that organization’s subscription is modified (plan or add-on module).

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Open shifts by seniority: Three new response limit options (2, 5, and 8 hours) have been added to the existing time limit options for seniority-based open shifts.
  • Recurring availability: Fixed a display issue in the recurring availability section.
15 January 2025 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

HR management


Open shift volunteer icon improvements: The icon displayed when volunteers have come forward to fill an open shift now lists the number of volunteers.

Human resources

Document requests directly from specific employee pages: Document requests can now be created directly from the Documents section of the page for a specific employee.


Specific shift publication: Managers can now quickly publish shifts directly from their details view, as opposed to having to do so from the editing view.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Scheduler: Improved how the current day is displayed.
  • Scheduler: Fixed a bug that prevented the confirmation window from being displayed when closing the position creation or edition form.
  • Photos : Fixed a bug preventing pictures from having the correct portrait orientation when uploaded via a mobile device.
  • Documents: It is no longer possible to download Agendrix format documents in the process of being saved.
  • Documents: Fixed a bug preventing certain images in Agendrix format documents from being printed.
  • Document requests: Improved the status of document requests related to the employee onboarding process.
  • News feed: Improved how time zones are used when creating and updating threads.
4 December 2024 – Major update

Training shifts and team library

HR management
Time and attendance

New feature: Training shifts

Managers can now add “Training” shifts to the schedule, to which additional documents can be added. Training time entries can also be added to timesheets. Among other things, training hours can be used in various reports as well as in payroll exports.

A special badge identifies training shifts on the mobile app.

New feature: Team library

Managers can now share documents across the organization (or only to the desired locations or positions, as needed) in the new Team library section, under the Documents tab. Any document shared in this way will also be accessible to employees on the mobile app.

The Team library is part of the Plus plan.

Shift tasks (mobile)

The manager mobile app now supports adding and editing shift tasks.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Passwords: When creating or modifying one’s password, a gauge now shows the user how strong their password currently is.
  • Documents: Fixed a bug that prevented users from being redirected properly after creating documents.
  • Documents (December 11, 2024): Improved default folder sync when reactivating a member who already had folders associated to their profile.
  • HR data: Improved how the HR data columns were displayed, particularly for smaller screens.
  • Availability (mobile): Employees’ preferred periods of availability are now displayed upon creating, transferring, or copying a shift where the work hours at least partially overlap with these periods of availability.
20 November 2024 – Minor update

Various improvements and fixes

HR management
Time and attendance


Shift transfer auto-assignment: A new option now lets Agendrix manage shift transfers from one employee to another while taking availability and preferences into account. Previously, the target of a shift transfer could only be selected manually.

Time and attendance

Punch clock setup interface improvements: The clocking system configuration interface has been updated to better reflect the application’s new design principles.


New leave premiums computation option: A new option now allows leave premiums to be computed based on a default value. This option complements the current option based on the value of the leave in question.


New search window and quick actions (CTRL+K on Windows, CMD+K on Mac): A new window now lets you search for various elements throughout the entire application as well as launch certain quick actions. To access it, press CTRL+K on Windows or CMD+K on Mac. #hackaton2024

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Open shifts: Fixed a bug that prevented the total hours and timeline from being displayed, plus various interface improvements.
  • Self-onboarding: Fixed several visual bugs that hindered the flow.
  • Shift auto-assignment: Shifts can now be auto-assigned in the mobile view of the web application.
  • Employee creation: The search logic for existing employees has been updated to better identify employees who already have an archived profile.
  • Automated breaks: Fixed a bug that prevented automatic breaks from being added when creating shifts computed in days.
  • Employee onboarding: Improved the way filters are displayed when scrolling down.
  • Employee sorting: Improved the alphabetical sorting logic for employees with the same surname.
  • Currencies: The organization’s local currency is now displayed for monetary values throughout the entire application, as opposed to billing only.
6 November 2024 – Minor update

Open shifts by seniority

HR management
Time and attendance

New feature : Open shifts by seniority

This feature allows managers to publish open shifts that will be offered to their employees in order of seniority. Upon publication of such a shift, the eligible employee with the most seniority will be the first to receive the offer, which they may then either accept or decline within the timeframe specified by the manager. Upon declining or after the deadline, the next most senior employee will receive the offer, and so on, down to the last employee.

The following enhancements also complement this new feature:

  • Employees can now decline open shifts offered to them.
  • Managers can now see the number of eligible employees for a given open shift.
  • Managers can view and customize (i.e., add or remove employees) open shift audiences.

Open shifts by seniority are part of the Plus plan.


Automatic shift assignment improvements: Several improvements have been made to the automatic shift assignment system:

  • By default, employee work hour preferences and availability periods are now always prioritized.
  • A new option, “Do not assign shifts during unavailability periods“, completely prevents shifts from being assigned during periods where employees have indicated they are unavailable.
  • By default, the automatic shift assignment system tries to avoid putting employees in overtime situations.
  • The “Prevent overtime” option completely prevents shifts from being assigned to employees who would end up working overtime.
  • The automatic shift assignment system now takes into account seniority based on hours worked.
  • The automatic shift assignment system now takes compliance parameters into account.

Employee availability logic check improvements: Changes have been made to the way employee availabilities are processed by the application, mainly to improve night shift assignment.


Seniority report improvements: When the “Add seniority based on total hours worked” option is active in the settings, the seniority report will now list employees in descending order of seniority by hours worked, rather than by date of hire.


Google Maps component improvements: Several improvements have been made to the Google Maps components in the application:

  • When creating or editing locations, the “Enter a location” field now suggests addresses.
  • Buildings are now shown on the map.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Interface: Improvements were made to various interfaces across the application.
  • Notifications: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the payroll deadline banner from being displayed correctly.
  • Breaks: Fixed a bug that caused issues with the display of the duration of custom breaks.
  • Clock log reports: Fixed a bug that caused default options not to be selected for the clock log report.
  • Messenger: A 0.5-second wait delay between successive messages has been added.
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