What Is a Career Path?

A career path includes the different positions and jobs held by an employee throughout their career. It can also refer to the long-term plan of steps required to reach a desired profession or a new role.

How to Develop a Career Path?

Everyone who works inevitably has a career path, whether actively developed or not. An employee wishing to develop their professional career can do so by asking for help from a guidance counselor, mentor, manager or anyone else who can provide relevant advice.

Employees can also introspect or try out different types of jobs to better structure their career paths and achieve their professional goals. To do this, they need to identify their goals and knowledge levels, and choose positions or jobs that will enable them to achieve their goals.

What Are the Different Types of Career Path?

There are 2 types of career path: the organizational career path and the standard career path.

The organizational career path refers to the positions held by an employee within a business in order to climb the ladder and develop their knowledge. Organizational career paths are often discussed at performance reviews between managers and employees. The company may offer promotions or various training in line with the employee’s aspirations.

The standard career path refers to the positions and jobs held by an employee throughout their career in order to advance their knowledge and gain experience to develop their expertise. It is often personal to an individual and typically includes employment with several companies.

An employee’s career path can be either vertical (moving up the ladder to management positions) or horizontal (specializing in expertise).

What Are Some Examples of Career Paths?

Examples of career paths include:

  • Retail: clerk, team leader, assistant manager, manager, customer service manager
  • Restaurant: host, waiter, dining room manager, restaurant manager, owner
  • Construction: apprentice, journeyman, plumber, manager, project manager
  • Health: orderly, nurse, head nurse, manager

What Skills to Develop During a Career Path?

The skills to develop will vary according to the desired professional career path. The most sought-after skills include:

  • Adaptability
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Organization
  • Time management

Why Is a Career Path Important?

An employee’s career path contributes to their experience on the job market. It directly influences their knowledge and skills.

It can also play a decisive role in their well-being at work. Managers are therefore well advised to help their employees on their career path, in order to increase employee retention and well-being.

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