What Is an Employee Training Plan?

An employee training plan is a document that brings together all the training that employees must take in order to be able to perform their duties at a company.

How to Put Together a Training Plan?

There are 4 steps to crafting an employee training plan:

  1. Specify the goals of the plan according to the profiles of the employees or positions in question
  2. Determine success indicators for the plan
  3. Set a budget
  4. Validate that the training plan complies with the company’s legal obligations

How to Implement a Training Plan?

There are 8 steps to implement a training plan:

  1. Take stock of the training plans being offered: evaluate the success or failure of previous training plans, identify areas for improvement, assess the budget, etc.
  2. Determine the company’s strategic orientation, i.e., narrow down the jobs to be developed, identify future labor needs, determine essential training, etc.
  3. Analyze training needs from a departmental and individual perspective
  4. Develop a training implementation plan
  5. Determine a budget to stay within
  6. Communicate the process to employees
  7. Move on to implementation
  8. Monitor the training plans and evaluate their impacts

Why Implement a Training Plan?

A training plan gives employees better tools by which to perform their tasks at the company. It also allows employers to demonstrate a proactive stance toward their team members’ professional development.

A well-executed training plan will grow employee motivation and productivity.

What Does a Training Plan Contain?

A training plan typically contains:

  • Training sessions
  • Duration
  • Objectives
  • Connection to the company’s strategies
  • Date of training
  • Cost of training

A training plan can be individual or shared by multiple employees.

What’s the Difference Between a Training Plan and a Professional Development Plan?

A training plan is a document that brings together all the training activities that employees must take to be able to perform their duties properly. For example, it may include health and safety training or training on new work tools.

A professional development plan focuses on developing an employee’s knowledge in order to advance their career. In France, the skill development plan is an obligation for employers.

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