5 min.

Bulletin Board: The Ideal Mean of Communication

Samuel Roy
Last updated on 20 Apr. 2023
Published on 9 Nov. 2021
Deux collègues accrochent des messages sur le babillard d'une entreprise
Deux collègues accrochent des messages sur le babillard d'une entreprise

Are the communications surrounding schedules effective in your business? If you answered yes, don’t read any further!

Table of contents

However, if you admit that there is room for improvement, this article could benefit you. You will understand the negative effects caused by simple shortcomings in the communications surrounding schedule management.

Here, we address the concept of the bulletin board as the central tool for your communications.

The Employer/Employee Communications Challenge

Managers regularly have information and messages to transmit to their employees.

Generally, businesses post messages in the staff room and, in some cases, send them by email.

The effectiveness of these methods is debatable, since often the memos are not read and nothing really allows you to know who has taken note of them. This results in managers constantly repeating the same messages.

When using more traditional ways, managers must schedule regular employee meetings for important messages — once again, monopolizing the time of managers and employees.

How Does Agendrix Address the Challenge?

One of the most well-liked and useful modules of the schedule management software Agendrix is the Bulletin Board.

It’s very simple, but its capabilities are powerful:

  • Statistics and lists of employees who saw your publication.
  • Ability to request an acknowledgment of receipt; your employees must confirm that they are aware of your publication.
  • Ability to leave comments on a publication.
  • Enables you to segment your communications based on positions (e.g. send a message only to assistants).

The interaction generated by the comments will surprise you, not to mention all the positive aspects of employee engagement.

Lastly, the employer has access to the archives of each of the employees. So, imagine an employee who acknowledges receipt of a policy and transgresses it; this would add another string to your bow!

Real Cases

Here are some relevant examples of use of the bulletin board:

  • Publish your organizational policies: Clear policies will help to avoid all kinds of misbehaviour and much loss of time.
  • Upcoming events: Group bookings for the holiday season? Express your needs, advice and expectations.
  • Training/updates: Present a new product/service and specify how staff should offer it to customers.
  • Birthdays/work anniversaries: Highlight important events while showing your appreciation to your employees.
  • Various discussions: Increase employee engagement by opening up the discussion with them!

As you can see, a judicious use of the bulletin board can certainly positively influence your business. It’s up to you to let your creativity flow!

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