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Positive and Negative Reviews: How to Better Answer Your Clients

Véronique Forest
Last updated on 6 Dec. 2023
Published on 16 Nov. 2020
Client leaving a 5-star review online
Client leaving a 5-star review online

While shopping for goods or services, odds are one of your first reflexes besides comparing prices is looking at the reviews.

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This is also what your clients do. Before deciding to invest with you, they validate their choice by reading the comments on your Facebook page, on review websites and on Google. 93% of consumers make their spending decisions based on these reviews.

This makes good reviews crucial for any business. But be that as it may, they’re all too often left unanswered. Taking the time to answer shows that you care about your clients. You should therefore do so regularly on all your platforms.

A Few Tips to Help You

  • Always be courteous and professional
  • Answer quickly
  • Show openness to solutions
  • Task an employee with answering
  • Don’t always use the same wording
  • Draw up an answer bank
  • Proofread your answers

Responding to Positive Reviews

Obviously, negative reviews should be addressed as quickly as possible. But positive reviews deserve just as much attention. They’re an opportunity to demonstrate what great customer service you have, and just how much you care about what your clients think.

The impact on your business image will be wholly beneficial. By answering your clients, you’ll cultivate a sense of community. It might even encourage other clients to leave a positive comment.

Bear in mind, however, that answering every single review is unnecessary. It always depends on the situation. If someone leaves a 5-star review without a comment, for example, you can leave it at that.

Positive Reviews Can Be Answered as Follows

Thank you for your comment Max! 😊

Thank you, Jennifer. Have a good week!

Thank you, Rose. I’ll pass on your comment to the rest of the team. You just made our day. 😄

Thank you, Charlotte, you just made our day. We are happy to have you as a client!

What better way to start the week than with your comment, William! We are glad we helped you save time and boost your efficiency. Have a great week!

To Always Respond Warmly

  • Use the client’s first name (or surname) in your answer to create a sense of rapport.
  • Thank the client.
  • Write about the impact of the client’s comment on the business, or on the team.
  • Bond with visitors by referring to something personal when possible.
  • Don’t be afraid to use emojis and GIFs.

Responding to Negative Reviews

Be they justified or not, negative reviews deserve special attention. You can’t just ignore a dissatisfied client’s message; you’ll risk looking like you don’t care about client satisfaction.

Always keep in mind that those messages are public. Other clients will read them.

After successfully dealing with a client’s complaint, encourage them to revise their review if they believe your service was satisfactory. This way, negative reviews can be turned into positive reviews.

Negative Reviews Can Be Answered as Follows

When a client raises a concern.

Hi. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you please write us at [email protected] so we can address the problem? Thank you!

When a client complains of a lack of support.

Good afternoon. We are truly sorry to learn you’re having problems with our app. We have found no support ticket in your name. Please contact us directly at [email protected] se we can address the problem. We simply need your name and the name of your organization to do so. We’ll be waiting for your message!

When a client is unclear in their complaint.

Hi! I’m not sure I understand which “pop-up” you’re referring to, given that Agendrix is ad-free. Could you please give us more details about what is appearing on your screen? Contact us directly on the Agendrix chat or at [email protected] so we can address the issue.

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To Always Respond Courteously and Professionally

  • Always answer negative reviews politely, without letting your emotions get the better of you.
  • Show you intend to solve the problem.
  • Don’t make false promises; be honest and sincere in your efforts.
  • Ask for explanations if the situation is unclear.
  • If possible, follow up with the client over the phone to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Share your contact information to continue the conversation offline.
  • Ask clients to update their reviews if their problem was solved.

What About Mixed Reviews?

Have you ever received 3-star reviews where clients say they’re satisfied but also disappointed? Such mixed reviews are also deserving of a response.

Examples of Responses to Mixed Reviews

When a client likes the service but points out a problem.

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. We are pleased that you like our app. As for your connection issue, could you please communicate with us directly over the chat or at [email protected] so we can address it? Have a great day!

When a client gives constructive criticism on how we could improve.

Hi Sarah! I’m glad you appreciate the new update. I’ve forwarded your suggestion to the rest of the team. If you have other questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

When a client leaves a 3-star review, but says everything is good and they’re satisfied.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, Oliver. We see you only put 3 stars; is there something we can do to improve your experience? You can write us at [email protected], and we’ll be glad to chat with you. Have a great day!

To Always Have the Right Answer

  • Thank the person for taking the time to leave a comment.
  • Try to solve the problem pointed out by the client.
  • Encourage the client to continue the conversation offline.
  • Share your contact information.

Every Business Is Different

Of course, all businesses don’t work the same. Your answers should be crafted to reflect the values and realities of your organization.

If this all looks like busy work to you, know that there are many solutions available. For instance, InputKit offers a solution that automates client comment management.

Over to you!

If you never have reviewed Agendrix, do not be shy. We always appreciate having feedback from our customers on the App Store, or Google Play.

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