2 min.

Scheduling at Your Fingertips

Michaël Thibault
Last updated on 22 Dec. 2023
Published on 22 Nov. 2022

Create, edit, and publish work schedules with your mobile device.

Table of contents

Dear managers. It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that we’re inviting you to pull out your phone to update—or download for the first time—our Agendrix mobile app for your iPhone/iPad or Android system.

This update introduces nothing less than the mobile feature most requested by our client base: schedule management. Phone in hand, you will now be able to:

  • Create and edit work shifts;
  • View and modify employee schedules;
  • View the list of schedule changes to be published;
  • Publish a new schedule or modifications to an existing schedule;
  • Create and edit day notes.

500,000 Votes in Favor of Mobility

To date, our Agendrix mobile app has accrued just over 500,000 downloads. That’s half a million people reminding us of the importance of making information accessible on the go, day after day. Among those are numerous managers, who too loved to remind us of their own mobile scheduling needs. And we totally agreed!

In our view, the cumbersome nature of so-called traditional management processes has always been one of the biggest barriers to our mission of making management about people first. Any tool that can help simplify management therefore aligns perfectly with our mission.

Anyhow, while our app has long been primarily employee-centered, our hope is that it will now better fulfill the needs of managers as well. In fact, today’s overhaul of the My schedule and Coworkers tabs is likely to please everyone.

Consolidating Two Experiences Is Challenging

Let us take this opportunity to highlight the work of our mobile developers and designers, who worked diligently to fit our scheduler in the palm of your hand, literally. Translating an experience that was initially built for desktop computers into a mobile app is a feat of strength. High fives to the team!

And that’s just the beginning. We’re committed to the promise we made “to always improve the mobile experience” back when we first launched our mobile requests manager.

To Download the App

To download or update the application, simply head over to the relevant application store:

Merry mobile management!

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